Faculty and students from UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School will take major roles in 24 events at the annual conference of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) in San Antonio, TX from February 21-24. The National Association of School Psychologists represents and supports school psychology through leadership to enhance the mental health and educational competence of all children. Its annual conference brings together leading researchers and scholars in the field as a way to disseminate the latest findings in the field.
The Gevirtz School’s School Psychology doctoral program, part of its Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology, is fully approved by NASP, making it one of only two such lauded programs in California.
The Gevirtz School presentations are:
Tuesday, February 21
Hibbard, J., Jimerson, S. R., & Babcock, S. "Assessment and Intervention for Social Skills and School Climate."
Jimerson, S. R., Hibbard, J., & Binmoeller, C. "Beyond Grade Retention and Social Promotion: Promoting Student Success."
Jimerson, S. R., Conoley, C., Fernandez, B. S., & Woitaszewski, S. Training of Trainers (ToT) – Crisis Prevention and Preparedness: Comprehensive School Safety Planning, (Second Edition).
Yang, C. & Bear, G. G. "Multilevel Associations among Bullying Victimization, School engagement and Social-Emotional Learning."
Wednesday, February 22
Jimerson, S. R., Conoley, C., Fernandez, B. S., & Woitaszewski, S. Training of Trainers (ToT) – Crisis Prevention and Preparedness: Comprehensive School Safety Planning, (Second Edition).
Binmoeller, C. & Jimerson, S. R. "How Does School Climate Influence Relational and Physical Bullying Profiles?"
Binmoeller, C. & Jimerson, S. R. "Understanding Bullying Behaviors: The Importance of Social Status."
Yang, C. "Effects of Student and School Demographic Factors on School Engagement."
Mantz L., Bear, G. G., Yang, C. & Harris, A. "Student Social-Emotional Competencies: Development of a School-wide Assessment."
Wroblewski, A., Dowdy, E., Sharkey, J. D., & Kim, E., K. "Social-emotional screening to predict truancy severity: Recommendations for educators."
Thursday, February 23
Gopaul-Knight, K. & Jimerson, S. R. "Corporal Punishment and Well-Being: Considering Culture and Parental Warmth."
Yu, R. & Jimerson, S. R. "Effectiveness of a Program for Students With Severe Emotional Disturbance."
Hibbard, J. & Jimerson, S. R. "Measuring MTSS Implementation."
Jimerson, S. R., Bartolo, P., Muscutt, J., Sheehan, M., & Naser, S. "International School Psychology: Contemporary Issues in School Psychology Internationally."
Jimerson, S. R. "International School Psychology: Overview and Update."
Twyford, J., Dowdy, E., & Moffa, K. "Screening Latino students with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire."
Moore, S., Dowdy, E., DiStefano, C., Pompey, K., & Greer, F. "Screening in preschool using the BASC-3 Behavioral Emotional Screening System."
Bertone, A., Dowdy, E., Furlong, M. & Moore, S. "Implementing universal complete mental health screening in high schools."
Moffa, K., Dowdy, E., & Furlong, M. Exploring the contribution of school belonging to complete mental health screening.
Dowdy, E., Moffa, K., Dever, B., & Raines, T. "Multiple gates and informants in universal behavioral and emotional screening."
DiStefano, C., Greer, F., & Dowdy, E. "Evaluation of the BESS Parent Rating Scale-Preschool using Rasch methodology."
Friday, February 24
Brown, J. & Jimerson, S. R. "School-Based Strategies for Supporting Grieving Students."
Sander, J. B., Sharkey, J. D., Raines, T. C, Rye, L. K., White, T. A., Biehl, A., Miller, L., Price, L., Jefferson, R. E., Dougherty, D., & Fenning, P. "School Psychology and Juvenile Justice: Assessment Tools, Interventions, and Disparities."
Sharkey, J.D., Wroblewski, A., Janes, L., & Reed, L. "School psychologists and trauma: Identifying and treating sexual exploitation."