UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, the Department of Education, and the Chicano Studies Institute present Dr. Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos, Associate Professor of Education Policy and Evaluation at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University, giving the talk “Intersection of Language, Class, Ethnicity, and Policy: Towards Disrupting Inequality for English Language Learners” on Monday, May 15, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm in ED 4108. This event is free and open to the public. A light lunch will be provided; to attend, rsvp by May 9 to nina@education.ucsb.edu.
Dr. Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos will present a conceptual framework for understanding the multi-layered edu¬cational inequality encountered by low-income, Spanish speaking students in Arizona K-12 public schools. The framework merges intersectionality and policy analysis to understand educational inequality as a function of intersecting educational policies. In addition, it provides an alternative to the Arizona model that seeks to inter¬rupt inequality. The framework, which is grounded in culture, language, and learning, acknowledges the inter¬sectional social constructs of an ELL. This talk is based on a manuscript in press in Review of Research in Education.
Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos is an Associate Professor in Education Policy and Evaluation in Mary Lou Fulton Teach¬ers College at Arizona State University and a 2016-17 Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, Graduate School of Educa¬tion with a courtesy affiliation with Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE). He has published extensively in the area of K-12 education finance, policy and parent engagement and its impact on opportunity, equity and outcomes in low-income ethnically and linguistically diverse communities. His work has been published in lead¬ing academic journals such as Review of Research in Education, Education Policy Analysis Archives, Review of Educational Research, Journal of Education Finance, and Teachers College Record. Dr. Jimenez-Castellanos is a 2017 American Education Research Association (AERA) Early Career Scholar Award Recipient—Hispanic Research SIG, 2015 Distinguished National Education Finance Academy Fellow, and a 2012 Ford Postdoctoral Fellow administered by the National Research Council of the National Academies.