Tina McEnroe, Carol Dixon, Ann Kaganoff, McEnroe Reading Clinic

The Enduring Impact of Three Literacy Educators

After committing their lives and careers to improving the lives of countless early learners through reading and language arts, a trio of Gevirtz Graduate School of Education experts have established philanthropic legacies that reflect their shared passion for education and pave the way for the future of literacy instruction and research. Their combined gifts total over $2 million. 

GGSE News > Alumni

Harding University Partnership School, math GAMES project

Gevirtz School and Harding University Partnership School Celebrate 15 Year Collaboration

Marking a milestone anniversary in their joint effort to support the needs of local students, teachers and families, UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz Graduate School of Education and the Harding University Partnership School (HUPS) are celebrating their successful 15-year collaboration.

Tania Israel Tania Israel Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Psychology

Tania Israel Receives Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest

Professor Tania Israel at the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, has received the 2025 Award for Distinguished Senior Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest  from the American Psychological Association (APA). Israel is in the Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology Department at the Gevirtz School and is also the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. 

Fellowship Breakfast 2025

Gevirtz Graduate School Celebrates 2025 Fellowship Recipients

The Gevirtz School held its 2025 Fellowship Breakfast on January 24. Fellowships are made possible through generous private foundations and individual donors who have contributed to 26 funds that provide annual support to Gevirtz School students. Fellowships were awarded to 52 students, with funds totaling over $255,000.

Dr. Maryam Jernigan-Noesi

Raising Liberated Black Youth Project to Combat Negative Effects of Racism

The Healing Space training program at the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz Graduate School of Education has developed the “Raising Liberated Black Youth” project. Featuring a series of workshops and events for parents and educators involved in raising and educating Black children, the project aims to provide practical guidance to adults who want to support Black youth in combating the negative effects of racism-related stress.

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

New certificate program addresses the need for bilingual, multilingual and culturally responsive school psychologists. 

Advancing Psychological Services for Multilingual Learners

New certificate program addresses the need for bilingual, multilingual and culturally responsive school psychologists. 

CCSP Research Festival 2024

CCSP Research Festival 2024

The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz School will be holding a Research Festival on Monday, November 18, from 9:15 am to 12:20 pm at the Student Resource Building MPR Room. Nine CCSP students will be presenting their cutting-edge research during the symposium event. In order to receive their master’s degree, all second year CCSP students submit a research festival proposal in the spring. As third year students, they present their findings to the department.



GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

What's Brewing in Education and Applied Psychology event at Night Lizard Brewing

“What’s Brewing in Education and Applied Psychology”

UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz Graduate School of Education celebrates the start of fall quarter with the debut of “What’s Brewing in Education & Applied Psychology” - an evening in a local brewery to tap into the latest research, presented in 8-minute talks, from Gevirtz School faculty. 



GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education

Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj

Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj Co-Authors EdResearch for Action Brief on English Learners and Immigrant-Origin Students

Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj, Associate Professor in the Department of Education at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School, and Adam Strom, from Re-imagining Migration, co-authored the brief “Promoting School Success for Immigrant-Origin Students,” released by Results for America and the Annenberg Institute at Brown University.

GGSE News > Dept. of Education

Lucy Arellano

The Transformative Impact of Latinx Faculty-Student Relationships at Community Colleges

Lucy Arellano, Associate Professor in the Department of Education at the Gevirtz School, has an article in the April Hispanic Outlook on Education Education Magazine, discussing the transformative impact of Latinx faculty and student relationships at community colleges. 


Royce Olarte 2024 Grad Slam Runner-Up

Education Ph.D. Candidate Royce Olarte Earns Runner-Up Prize for  Grad Slam 2024

Royce Olarte, a Ph.D. candidate in Mathematics Education in the Gevirtz School Department of Education, earned the Runner-Up award and a $1,000 prize in the Final Round of the UC Santa Barbara 2024 Grad Slam research presentation competition held on April 5.

GGSE News > Dept. of Education

Koegel Autism Center

Undiagnosed Autism in Teens and Adults Can Lead to Mental Health Issues

Teens and adults who have undiagnosed autism (autism spectrum disorder / ASD) can struggle with symptoms that may lead to depression, anxiety and self-harm, according to the UCSB Koegel Autism Center at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education. 


GGSE News > Koegel Autism Center

teen social well-being declined post pandemic

Social Well-Being of Teens Continued to Decline Even Post Pandemic

One year after the end of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in California, adolescents reported an increase in feeling disconnected from their communities and negative thoughts about society in general, according to a UCSB study on adolescent “social well-being.” The research found pervasive decreases in social well-being, and a significant portion of the students surveyed did not recover to their pre-COVID level by 2022.

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

GGSE Research Symposium 2024

Gevirtz School of Education Research Symposium Examines Equitable Learning Environments

The Graduate Student Association in Education at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education (GGSE) will hold its 2024 Research Symposium on Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18, featuring the theme “Strengthening Communities Through Equity-Centered Perspectives on Education.” 


GGSE News > Dept. of Education

Mayra Puente

Mayra Puente Receives AERA Award for Co-Authoring Article on “Platicando Y Mapeando” Methodology in Educational Research

Mayra Puente, Assistant Professor at the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, and Verónica N. Vélez, Professor at Western Washington University Woodring College of Education, have received the AERA (American Educational Research Association) Division J Outstanding Publication Award for their co-authored article “Platicando y Mapeando: A Chicana/Latina Feminist GIS Methodology in Educational Research,” published in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 

GGSE News > Dept. of Education

CCSP internships 2024

Graduate Students from the Department of Counseling,  Clinical, and School Psychology Appointed to Prestigious Internships

Seven graduate students from the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz Graduate School of Education have earned prestigious 2024 internships across the country to complete their work for a Ph.D. 

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

Gevirtz Graduate School Fellowship Breakfast 2024

Gevirtz Graduate School Celebrates Fellowship Recipients

The UCSB Gevirtz Graduate School of Education held its Fellowship Breakfast on January 19, to celebrate  47 of the school’s most promising graduate students who have received fellowships this year and the people who support them. Total fellowship funds awarded this year were nearly $264,000.


GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

Gevirtz Graduate School of Education Bell Tower

UCSB Psychology Experts Help Educators Support Students Facing Trauma

Adverse and potentially traumatic experiences are too common among school-age children, leaving teachers, administrators and staff struggling to help students. In response to the growing need during and following the pandemic, UCSB researchers have formed a university-community partnership with local educators and the James S. Bower Foundation to develop practices that promote resilience and thriving.

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

Koegel Autism Center Holds 3rd Annual "Unmasking Through Art" Neurodivergent-Curated Art Show

Koegel Autism Center Holds 3rd Annual Neurodivergent-Curated Art Show on December 7

The Koegel Autism Center and members of the Creative Club and Community invite everyone to "Unmasking Through Art," UCSB’s 3nd annual neurodivergent-curated art show, by and for those who think differently.

GGSE News > Koegel Autism Center

UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz School Department of Education Holds Open House

Department of Education Holds Virtual Open House on November 17, 2023

The Department of Education at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School will hold a virtual Open House for prospective students on Friday, November 17, 2023 from 10-11 am on Zoom. The event will also feature a Q&A.


GGSE News > Dept. of Education