Seven members of the Gevirtz School faculty who have recently heard from the Academic Senate about well-earned promotions.
Maryam Kia-Keating, Melisa Morgan Consoli, and Matt Quirk have been promoted to Full Professor; Diana Arya and Ty Vernon have been promoted to Associate Professor, and therefore are now tenured faculty; Tine Sloan and Steve Smith have been promoted to Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment, AKA Full Teaching Professor rank.
“It’s important for the whole school to stop and honor our talented, caring, industrious colleagues and be sure to recognize all the work they had to do to earn their promotions…not to mention all the work chronicling that they actually did the work to earn their promotions,” says Jeffrey Milem, Jules Zimmer Dean’s Chair at the Gevirtz School. “And here’s to all the staff effort and diligence helping get these promotions through all the bureaucratic hoops.”
Maryam Kia-Keating, Melisa Morgan Consoli, and Matt Quirk, Steve Smith, and Ty Vernon are faculty in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology; Diana Arya and Tine Sloan are faculty in the Department of Education.