Participants from The Gevirtz School and UC Santa Barbara
2021 American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting
April 7 – April 12, 2021
(all times PDT)
Wednesday April 7
10-11:30 am
Jonathan Downey
“IRT Measurement and Validation of Vocabulary Proficiency”
Division D Graduate Student in Progress Research Gala
Thursday April 8
9-10 am
Xochitl Briseno
Rodolfo Cerda
Rebecca Mireles-Rios
“High-Impact Practices at a Hispanic-Serving Institution”
Engagement and High-Impact Practices in Postsecondary Education
10-11 am
Stacy Pulice
Rebeca Mireles-Rios
“High School Teachers: Classroom Management and Teacher Well-Being"
Culturally Responsive, Culturally Relevant, Well-Being, Disruptions in Classrooms
Jeremy A. Edwards
“Examining the Racial Realities of Black College Students at a Selective Minority-Serving Research Institution (MSI)”
Experiences of Race and Racism in Postsecondary Education
12-1 pm
Jay Barragan
Rebeca Mireles-Rios
Victor M. Rios
“The Role of Social Emotional Learning Interventions and High School Pushouts”
Leveraging Social Emotional Learning for At-Risk Students
1-2 pm
Michael Lloydhauser
Christopher Salem Ozuna
“The Geography of California’s Teacher Supply”
Exploring the Landscape of Teacher Preparation Programs
Jenny Sperling
“Inclusive to and for Whom? Intersex (In)Visibility and California High School Sexual Health Education”
Schools Working to Support Gender and Sexuality Diversities
2-3 pm
Alexandria Muller
Kyle van Loon
Destiny Schwab
Danielle Boyd Harlow
Allyson Randall
Ron Skinner
with Tarah Connolly (Child Abuse Listening Mediation)
“Teacher Perceptions of Engineering and Students’ Potential in Engineering Activities”
Science Teaching and Learning: Engineering Education
Friday April 9
7:40-9:10 am
Adam Garber
Mian Wang
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
“Typologies of Autism: The Utility of Latent Class Analysis to Understand Heterogeneity in Social Responsiveness”
Delwin Carter
Adam Garber
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
Erin Dowdy
Michael James Furlong
“Understanding Patterns of Social-Emotional Strengths Across Students with and without Disabilities: Different, Not Worse”
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
“Promise of Mixture-Modeling to Disability Research”
Odelia Simon, chair
A Novel Methodological Approach to Investigate Questions in Special Education
Meghan Macias
with Ashley Iveland, Melissa Rego, Maya Salcido White, and Elizabeth Amett (WestEd)
“Impacts of COVID-19 on K–8 Science Instruction and Enactment of the Next Generation Science Standards”
Contemporary Science Teaching and Learning: Issues and Challenges
10:40 am-12:10 pm
Cameron Dexter Torti
Sarah Ann Roberts
Julie Bianchini
Rue Mansour
“Syncretic Literacy Among Multilingual Learners in a Math I Classroom”
How In-Service Teachers Improve Their Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms
1:10-2:10 pm
Michael Llohdhauser
with Jacob Kirksey (Texas Tech University)
“Dual Certification in Special and Elementary Education and the Academic Achievement of Students with Disabilities”
Not Siloed: Working Across Disciplines to Improve Teacher Preparation
1:10-2:40 pm
Alexis Deidre Spina
Advika Verma
Stacy L. Carpenter
Julie Bianchini
“Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Conceptualization of the Standards for Mathematical Practice”
Intentions, Strategies, and Entangled Problems of Mathematics Practice
3:15-5:15 pm
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson, moderator
AERA Division D Business Meeting and Reception
Saturday April 10
7:40-9:10 am
Tarek Azzam
Ryan Marie Arellano
“Use and Advocacy in Research and Evaluation, Pushing Beyond Our Comfort Zone”
Improving Equity Through Culturally Responsive Evaluation Practice
Delwin Carter
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
“Validation and Calibration in Mixture Modeling: The Exploratory Factor Analysis/Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Mixture Models”
Adam Garber
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
“Structural Invariance in Multigroup Latent Class Analysis: Perception of Disability Status and Academic Expectations”
Daniel Katz
“Using Mixture Modeling to Make Meaning of Differential Item Functioning”
Odelia Simon
Mei Ki Chan
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
“Measurement Invariance in Mixture Modeling: Issues and Current Practices”
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
With Katherine E. Masyn (Georgia State University)
“Measurement Invariance in Latent Transition Models”
Dina Naji Arch, chair
Issues of Measurement Invariance in Mixture Models for Educational Data
11:30 am-1:00 pm
Erik Arevalo
Meghan Macias
Matthew James Shackley
Andrew Maul
Julie Bianchini
with Alexandria Killian Hansen (CSU Fresno) and Elisa M. Stone (UC Berkeley)
“Preservice Science Teachers’ Understanding of Instruction for Diverse Learners: A focus on Funds of Knowledge”
Supporting Preservice Science and Mathematics Teacher Learning
Mei Ki Chan
Jill D. Sharkey
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
Erin Dowdy
“Association Between Social Support Profiles and Psychological Functioning Among Early and Late Adolescents”
Psychological and Physical Safety at School: Examining a Social Determinant
1:10-2:10 pm
Alyssa Lawson
Richard E. Mayer
Ashleigh Wells
“Understanding the Positivity Principle with Human and Animated Instructors”
Studies of Technology and Social, Emotional, or Motivational Constructs
Sunday April 11
6:30-7:30 am
Erica L. Tartt
“Social Emotional Health Survey: Exploring Emotional Competence”
Social Emotional Learning in Various Contexts
7:40-8:40 am
Sarah Hough
With Jenna Tague (Clovis Community College) and Oscar Vega (CSU Fresno)
“‘Why I Still Choose Math.’ Underrepresented Mathematics Majors’ Perspectives: Identity and Embracing Struggle in the Context of a Mentoring Program”
Success in STEM Coursework
7:40-9:10 am
Jasmine Marckwordt
Alexandria Muller
Devon Michaela Christman
“Informal Educators’ Approaches to Creating Rich Learning Experiences Within a Physical Science Museum”
Alexandria Muller
Danielle Boyd Harlow
Ron Skinner
“Practices and Associated Strategies to Inform Facilitation of Visitor-Centered Learning in Informal Science Education”
Museum Experiences Through the Eyes of Visitors and Staff
Andrew Maul
Working Group Roundtable Chair
Practical Guidance and Best Practices for Gathering Validity Evidence Based on Assessment Type
Jeremy A. Edwards
With TrVel Lyons (UC Los Angeles)
“Exploring a Black-Centered Approach to Online Learning Environments Amid COVID-19”
COVID-19 and College Access
9:20-10:20 am
Samantha Harris
“Korean-Speaking Spaces: Heritage Language Learning and Community Access for Mixed-Race Korean Americans”
Examining Language, Community, and Identity in a Global Context
Hannali Pajela
Mary E. Brenner
Sarah Ann Roberts
“Undergraduate Mathematics Majors Problem-Solving Through Formal Rhetorical and Problem-Centered Mathematics”
Research in Mathematics Education Poster Session
11:30 am-12:30 pm
Noreen Balos
“STEM Identity and Development: A Language and Ecology Systems Case Study Analysis”
STEM Identity and Development: A Language and Ecology Systems Case Study Analysis
11:30 am-12:30 pm
Diana J. Arya, chair
Reading and Motivation
11:30 am-1:00 pm
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
Dina Naji Arch
Adam Garber
“Understanding Change in Latent Transition Analysis Models Using Auxiliary Variables”
Dina Naji Arch
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
Masha M. Ing
“Moderation with a Latent Class Variable: Specification, Visualization, and Specification”
Karen L. Nylund-Gibson
With Ryan Grimm (SRI International)
“Examining Residual Correlations in Latent Transition Analysis: A Simulation Study”
Mei Ki Chan, chair
Methodological Advances in Longitudinal Mixture Modeling
Krista L. Lucas
“STEM Identity and Scientific Literacy in Nonscience Majors”
Rethinking Effective Practices in Postsecondary Teaching and Learning
Anne Harper Charity-Hudley
With Christine L. Mallinson (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
“Empowering African American Student Voices in College”
Critical Dialogic Education: Sustaining Inclusive Discourse Practices in U.S. Schools
Judith Green
with 16 others including Wm. Douglas Baker (Eastern Michigan University)
“Breakout 2: Discourse, Positioning, Argumentation, & Learning”
Creating Expansive and Equitable Learning Environments: Elaborating the RISE Learning Principles
1:10-2:40 pm
Judith L. Green, discussant
The Pursuit for Responsible Educators Creating Equitable Learning Opportunities: A Cross-Institutional Conversation
Lilly Chung Lew
“Youth as Cultural Guides: Reimagining the Role of Teacher and Examining Learning Opportunities Through Discourse”
The Pursuit for Responsible Educators Creating Equitable Learning Opportunities: A Cross-Institutional Conversation
Monday April 12
6:30-8 am
Damaris Madeline Hernandez
Sarah Ann Roberts
Hannali Pajela
“Exploring a Mathematics Transfer Student Intervention Curriculum and Its Effects on Retention”
College Transfer Aspirations and Trajectories
Judith L. Green, workshop participant
Accepting Educational Responsibility in Research: Reimagining Community-Driven Methods and Mentoring for a New Decade
8:10-9:10 am
Michael Lloydhauser
Sarah Ann Roberts
Krista L. Lucas
“Developing Undergraduates’ Social Capital Within a Title V Student Center”
Accepting Responsibility for Designing Equitable Student Supports
Richard E. Mayer
with Fuxing Wang (Central China Normal University) and Want Yanqing (academic affiliation not given)
“How to Use Summarizing to Improve Learning During Segmented Multimedia Lessons”
Learning in Technology-Based Environments
8:10-9:40 am
Rebeca Mireles-Rios, chair
Division C Outstanding Graduate Student Research Posters
Walter Aminger
“Investigating Preservice Science Teachers’ Implementation of Reform-Based Instruction for English Learners: edTPA Focus”
Addressing Students’ Learning in Math and Science
Albert Anthony Clairmont
Daniel Katz
Mike Wilton
“Using Rasch Measurement Theory for Responsive Program Evaluation”
Research on Evaluation Session
11:50 am-1:20 pm
Sarah Ann Roberts
Cameron Dexter Torti
Julie Bianchini
Tomy Nguyen
Rue Mansour
“Using Mathematical Language Routines to Engage High School Students in Mathematical Reasoning”
Transformative Language Routines, Student Authority, and Student Participation
Marilyn Castro
Terri Cecchine
Rebeca Mireles-Rios
with Jackie Valenzuela (academic affiliation not given)
“Latina High School Wrestlers: Confidence in a Male-Dominated Sport”
Gender in the Lives of Teachers, Pupils, and Youth
1:30-2:30 pm
Sarah Ann Roberts
Royce Olarte
Julie Bianchini
“A Preservice Teacher’s (PST’s) Remote Rehearsals of Mathematical Language Routines to Engage Multilingual Learners”
Learning to Teach Mathematics: Assessments, Perception, and Equity in Preservice Teacher Education
Odelia Simon
Rebeca Mireles-Rios
with Yuna Seong (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
“Who Talks? Student Confidence Speaking in High School Classes”
Empowering Learners: Factors and Perspectives