Heidi Zetzer

Heidi Zetzer, Director of the Hosford Counseling and Psychological Services Clinic, and Kelley Hershman, a graduate student in the Gevirtz School’s Department of Counseling, Clinic, and School Psychology and clinician at the Hosford, will give the free talk “Practical Psychology: Two Management Tools That Can Help You Lead with Your Head and Heart” on Wednesday, April 9 at 12 noon in the Flying A Studios Room of the UCEN. The event is sponsored by UC Santa Barbara’s Human Resources Department and is part of its Learn at Lunch Series. All members of the UCSB community are invited to attend; please bring your lunch.

This talk will provide practical, research-based tools that lead to better management skills. The first tool is a management model called Authentic Leadership, which is grounded in knowing your authentic self. So just what is your authentic self? Oscar Wilde gave us a hint when he quipped, “Be yourself, everyone else in already taken.” Positive psychology tells us that we are authentic when we practice the following four characteristics:



Come and learn how the four qualities of the HERO construct form the core of Authentic Leadership. See how these practices allow authentic leaders to be genuine; aware of their emotions, strengths, and limitations. The presenters will demonstrate how authentic leaders use direct communication combined with empathy to be mission driven and focused on successful employees achieving successful results.

The second practical tool is called BART: Boundaries, Authority, Role, and Task. Learn how you can use the BART model to understand, analyze, and improve personal and work group performance.

The Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic is a university-based community clinic that is designed to provide culturally sensitive, low-cost individual, couple, family, and group psychological treatment and testing/assessment services to people living within the central coast community. The Hosford Clinic serves as a training site for students in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) of UC Santa Barbara and as a clinical-research facility for the faculty and students of the CCSP Department. We also strive to provide educational, consultation, and training services to professional and paraprofessional clinicians and educators in the tri-counties.