former CCSP students presenting research

Fourteen graduate students from the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School will be presenting their research and findings on Monday, November 17 from 8 am to 1:45 pm in the McCune Conference Room, 6th floor HSSB, on the UC Santa Barbara campus.

This symposium allows for students in the department to learn about cutting edge research being conducted by their peers and gives students further practice at presenting their findings.

Presentation Schedule


9:00-9:15  Changes in Adult, Child and Family Functioning Among Participants in a Family Treatment Drug Court

9:15-9.30  The Effects of Walking on Verbal Expression of Recalled Events

9:30-9:45 The Development and Administration of an Inventory of LGBTQ People’s Experience with Law Enforcement

9:45-10:00  Self-Affirmation to Decrease Defensive Processing: Are Positive Moods Enough

10:00-10:15 BREAK

10:15-10:30 An Exploration of Motivation for Treatment, Avoidance and Psychopathology Among Trauma-Exposed Clients

10:30-10:45  An Exploration of Sport Specialization, Self-Rated Quality of Performance and Mental Toughness in Division 1 Athletes

10:45 -11:00 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Latina Adolescent Substance Use

11:00-11:15  A Nuanced Perspective on Bullying Participant Roles: Using Latent Class Analysis to Examine Physical and Verbal Aggression

11:15-11:30  BREAK

11:30-11:45  Learning Disabilities and Social Emotional Health: Measurement of Latino/a Students from a Strengths-Based Perspective

11:45-12:00  Positive Empathy Within the Therapeutic Context Gender Conformity and Bullying

12:00-12:15 Exploration of an Empathy Intervention to Reduce Anger/Aggression

12:15–12:30 Biological Motion Processing and Social Ability: An exploration in three young children having autism

12:30-12:45  The Use of a Reframing Intervention during Social Conversation in Adults with ASD


First, second, and third year CCSP students are required to attend this event. Light refreshments will be provided. Students and faculty arriving between 8 am – 8:30 am will also receive a light breakfast and hear an introduction to the festival. For further questions or information, please contact Lupe Yepez at

The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association for the Ph.D. in the areas of counseling, clinical, and school psychology. In addition, the School Psychology specialization offers a pupil personnel services credential, en route to a Ph.D., that is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the National Association of School Psychologists. The CCSP Department adheres to a scientist-practitioner training model. Primary emphasis is placed on develop¬ing knowledge and skills that inform applied psychology research and practice. Graduates enter academic and other leadership roles in professional psychology.