Sami Surges (she/her/hers) has earned a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and a Masters in Education. Sami was born and raised in the Bay Area until she moved to Santa Barbara, where she graduated from UCSB in 2019 with a Global Studies major and Education minor. Growing up with a mom who is a teacher inspired Sami at a young age to pursue a career in education. Her passion for teaching grew as she worked with Santa Barbara’s YMCA after school programs and summer camps throughout college. However, her years after college gave her invaluable experiences and the confidence to see that education is exactly where she belongs. During these years Sami moved to Madrid, Spain to teach English to young children and then moved to LA to work for City Year Los Angeles with 9th graders at Thomas Jefferson High School. She is looking forward to becoming a teacher as she creates a classroom environment that is inclusive and supportive that in turn encompasses a strong and positive foundation for children in their first experiences in education.
GGSE: What is one thing about teachers or teaching that you wish more people knew?
Surges: How deeply teachers care for their students and advocate for their students. We are truly always thinking about our students beyond school hours and beyond our time with them.
GGSE: Tell us about one of your fondest TEP memories.
Surges: One of my favorite memories was when Danielle Whitaker read "I Knew You Could" during our last class with her and last class of TEP. Many of us teared up and it was really such a full circle moment of look how far we have come and all we did--and will do!
GGSE: What's next for you?
Surges: I will be teaching 3rd grade at Canalino Elementary School in Carpinteria where I did my student teaching.
GGSE: Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years?
Surges: Teaching in elementary school with maybe a student teacher by my side!
GGSE: Are there people at the Gevirtz School you would like to thank?
Surges: EVERYONE! This was an amazing experience and truly everyone who was involved played a great role in my development as a teacher. From our supervisors, to our cooperating teachers, to our colleagues--I learned so much from each of you and will never forget my experience here during this hectic year.