Cameron Sublett, a student in the Department of Education at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School, has been chosen from a selective pool of graduate students from around the country to participate in the 35th Annual David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Educational Administration & Policy. This program is sponsored by the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Divisions A and L of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and Sage Publications. With only two nominations made per institution, Sublett was chosen as one of 90 fellows to attend the seminar to be a held in Chicago, Illinois on April 15-16.
The David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar brings together emerging K-12 educational leadership and policy scholars with noted researchers for two days of presentations, generative discussion, and professional growth. Many of the graduates of previous Clark Seminars are now faculty members at major research universities in the U.S. and Canada.
Sublett is currently an advisee of Dr. Michael Gottfried in the area of Policy, Leadership and Research Methods at the Gevirtz School. His research focuses on online learning and STEM policy in secondary and postsecondary schools. His areas of research and interest also include rhetoric and public address, argumentation theory, political communication, human language, and neurological processes related to human interaction.