Cameron Sublett, a student in the Department of Education at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School, has been selected to receive the 2015 Graduate Scholar Award presented at the 22nd International Conference on Learning. Sublett is among seven other graduate students chosen from across the world to receive this award at the Universidad San Pablo CEU in Madrid, Spain on July 9-11. Sublett and his advisor, Dr. Michael Gottfried, will also present their research on STEM education among students with disabilities at the conference.
The Graduate Scholar Award is given each year to a small number of outstanding graduate students with active academic research interests in areas related to education, learning, and policy. Graduate Scholar Award recipients perform a critical role in the conference by chairing panels, facilitating discussion, organizing networking sessions, and presenting their own research. The benefits of this award also include meeting experts in the field, interacting with colleagues from other parts of the world, and creating lasting networks.
Cameron Sublett is currently a Ph.D. student in Education Policy, Leadership and Research Methods at the Gevirtz School. His research focuses on online learning and STEM policy in secondary and postsecondary schools, high school to college transition, online learning, and community colleges. Sublett’s interests also include rhetoric and public address, argumentation theory, political communication, human language, and neurological processes related to human interaction.