American Educational Research Association
2015 Annual Meeting
April 16-20, 2015, Chicago, IL
Participants from The Gevirtz School and UC Santa Barbara
Thursday, April 16
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Yukari Okamoto
with Yu Zhang
“Linear Representations of Two-Digit Numbers Promote First Graders’ Estimation”
Answering Important Questions About Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI & VII
2:15pm – 3:45pm
Hilary Dwyer
Ashley Iveland
Alexandria Killian Hansen
Charlotte Hill
Diana Franklin
Danielle Harlow
“Programming Languages and Discourse: Investigating the Linguistic Context in Learning Computer Science During Elementary School”
Discourse in Elementary School Computer Science and Engineering Education
Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI & VII
Anissa Stewart
Jeffrey Stewart
“Commenting as Critical Thinking: Blogging in a Black Studies History of Jazz Course”
Angela Dosalmas
Mary E. Brenner
“How ‘Not Working Hard’ = ‘Naturally Gifted’ for White Students but ‘Lazy’ for Black Students and the Role Other Identities Play”
African American Students Reimagining Their Roles and Identities
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside East
Priscilla Pereschica
with Patricia Marin (Michigan State University)
“Becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution: Including Graduate Students in the Vision”
Roundtable 3: Kindergarten through Higher Education
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside East
Myley Dang
Michael Gottfried
“Investigating English Language Learners’ High School Math and Science Course-Taking Patterns”
Multilevel Examinations of STEM Education Using U.S. and International Data Sets
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside West
8:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Lorraine McDonnell
AERA Journal Publications Committee Reception: Invitation Only
Hyatt, East Tower - Gold Level, Columbus CD
Friday, April 17
8:15 am – 9:45 am
Mario Galicia
Victor Rios
“‘Pushed Out’ and ‘Pulled In’: Youth Perspectives from a School-Based Gang Violence Intervention Program”
Advances in Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside East
Hsiu-Zu Ho, chair
Global Culture, Diversity, and Educational Understanding
Hyatt, West Tower - Gold Level, Atlanta
Ryan Dippre
“Moments and Patterns That Matter: Identifying Trajectories of Literate Activity Development in Students”
Asset-Based Approaches to Students’ Writing and Literate Activity
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside West
Judith Green
Educational Researcher Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Hyatt, West Tower - Green Level, Crystal A
10:35 am – 12:05 pm
Mario Galicia
Victor Rios
“Critical Discourse as a Transformative Tool for Latino Youth Participants of a Gang Intervention Program”
Blackboard Jungle in the 21st Century: Transforming Schools With Marginalized Youth
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside East
Celeste Pilegard
Richard E. Mayer
with Deanne Marie Adams (University of Notre Dame)
“Can Playing Portal Affect Spatial Thinking and Physics Intuitions?”
Game Design and Game-Based Learning
Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI & VII
Judith Green, invited speaker
A Giant Step Toward Justice in Conducting Education Research and Praxis: The Call for Integrated Study and Research Teams
Hyatt, West Tower - Gold Level, Regency C
12:25pm – 1:55pm
Malaphone Phommasa
“Educational Experiences of Southeast Asian American College Students: Understanding Influences on Student Persistence and Retention”
Henry Covarrubias
Richard Durán
“Exploring the Academic Socialization of Latina/o University of California, Santa Barbara STEM Graduate Students”
Richard Durán, discussant
Advancing Social Justice by Bridging the Cultural Worlds of Students, Families, Communities, Schools, and Universities
Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton IV
Hsiu-Zu Ho
Yeana Lam
Yin Yu
with Hsin-Yi Kung (National Changhua University of Education), Kuang-Hui Yeh (National Taiwan University), and Chih-Wen Wu
“Parent Involvement and Student Academic Achievement in Taiwan: a Latent Growth Model Examining Mediational Effects”
Parental Involvement and Student Success: International Perspectives
Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Montreux 3
Tine Sloan
Organizational Practices Supporting the Use of Data for Program Improvement in Teacher Education
Marriott, Third Level, Cook
George Marcoulides, invited speaker
“Educational and Psychological Measurement”
“Structural Equation Modeling”
Publishing Methodological Research: A Panel of Journal Editors
Marriott, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio State
Kenneth Sterling, chair
Designs and Tools for Learning
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside West
Cynthia Hudley
with Ann Young Kim (Seattle Pacific University)
“Predicting Ethnic Identity Through Ethnic Socialization Experiences of Korean American Adolescents and Young Adults”
Development of Ethnic Identity and Self-Concept in Adolescents
Marriott, Sixth Level, Indiana/Iowa
Lorraine McDonnell
AERA Past Presidents Luncheon: Invitation Only
Hyatt, West Tower - Bronze Level, Gold Coast
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Celeste Pilegard
Richard E. Mayer
“Adding Worksheets to Improve Learning from a Computer-Based Narrative Game”
Learning and Engagement through Gaming
Sheraton, Second Level, Superior A
Judith Green, discussant
Emergent Forms of Dialogic Pedagogy: How Culture, Policy, and School Conditions Shape Local Teacher Enactments
Marriott, Fourth Level, Grace
Jenna Joo
“Understanding Online Education from a Situated Perspective: Community College Students’ Narratives on Educational Values and Learning Experiences”
Online Teaching and Learning SIG Roundtable Session 3
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside East
Cameron Sublett
“Online Course Enrollment and Community College Student Success: A Multilevel Analysis”
Virtual Realities: Media and Technology in Campus Learning Environments
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside West
Lorraine McDonnell
AERA Journal Publications Committee and Journal Editors: Closed Meeting
Hyatt, West Tower - Green Level, Crystal A
4:05 pm – 5:35 pm
Diana Arya, chair
Multidisciplinary Applications Examining Psychometric Properties With the Rasch Model
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside East
4:05 pm – 6:05 pm
Andrew Maul, invited speaker
“Validity Issues in Noncognitive Assessment”
Excellence in Education Research: Early-Career Scholars and Their Work
Hyatt, East Tower - Gold Level, Grand AB
6:15 pm – 7:45 pm
Karen Nylund-Gibson
Educational Statisticians SIG Business Meeting. Invited Talk by Dr. Ann O'Connell: International Opportunities for Educational Statisticians
Marriott, Fifth Level, Denver/Houston
Russell Rumberger
New AERA Publications Reception: Interest in Mathematics and Science (Lead Editor K. Ann Renninger) and Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue (Lead Editor Lauren B. Resnick)
Hyatt, West Tower - Bronze Level, Buckingham
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
University of California Schools of Education Reception
No host bar
Fairmont Hotel, Ambassador Room, Second Level, 200 N. Columbus Dr.
Saturday, April 18
8:15 am – 9:45 am
Katherine Nilsen
Danielle Harlow
“University Students’ Place-Based Teaching Practices in an Outreach Program”
Issues in Environmental Education
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside West
Diana Arya, chair
Owning the Reform: Teacher Use of Data for Instructional Improvement
Marriott, Sixth Level, Northwestern/Ohio State
Richard E. Mayer
“Value-Added Approach to Game Research: Which Features Improve a Game’s Effectiveness?”
Design Issues Regarding the Use of Games and Simulations for Learning and Assessment
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside East
10:35 am – 12:05 pm
Cynthia Hudley, invited speaker
Diversity Vis-à-Vis Individual Differences: Pondering the Implications for Theory and Research
Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton II
Diana Arya, discussant
Integrating Engineering Experiences in Science Education
Marriott, Fourth Level, Sheffield
Michael Gottfried
with Robert Bozick (RAND Corporation)
“STEM-Based Career and Technical Education and the Job Prospects of Non-College-Bound Students with Disabilities”
Pathways to Success for Students With Disabilities?
Marriott, Fifth Level, Denver/Houston
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Richard Durán, invited speaker
Judith Green, invited speaker
Understanding Language, Culture, and Contexts: Methodological Contributions in Education Research
Marriott, Fourth Level, Clark
4:05 pm – 5:35 pm
Elizabeth Mainz
“‘It’s Harder to Get Through’: The Influence of Gender on Teacher Thinking and Interactions”
Issues of Race, Gender, and Identity Development
Marriott, Fifth Level, Scottsdale
6:30 pm – 8 :000 pm
Hala Sun
“Creating Equitable Learning Opportunities for English Language Learners through Fostering Meaningful Classroom Interaction”
Division E Graduate Student Poster Session
Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton IV
Sunday, April 19
8:15 am – 9:45 am
Tine Sloan
Hsiu-Zu Ho
Elizabeth Sciaky
Kara Otto
“Shifting Perspectives and Pedagogies: The Impact of Student Teaching Abroad”
Developing Cultural Competence and Awareness from Study Approach Experiences
Marriott, Fifth Level, Chicago FGH
10:35am – 12:05pm
Judith Green, chair
Monaliza Chian
with Felicia Hellman (Milken Community High School and Glendale Community College), Andrea Saveri (Saveri Consulting), and Lonny Brooks, Stephanie Couch, Beth Yeager (all California State University – East Bay)
“Designing for the Unknown in Higher Education”
Jenna Joo
Yun Dai
Edward A. Williams
with Stephen Lu and Ang Liu (both University of Southern California)
“At the Intersection of Engineering Education and Educational Ethnography: Unanticipated Challenges in an Interdisciplinary Research Alliance”
Ethny Stewart
with Thomas Flower (California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo)
“How to Ethnographically Research an Unknown Discipline of Study: The Study of a 24/7-Access Architecture Design Studio”
Azure Stewart
Stephanie Tcharos
“Academic Resources as Anchor for an Instructor’s Logic”
Uncovering Intellectual and Conceptual Underpinnings of Innovative and Nontraditional Contexts for Learning Across Disciplines
Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton V
Wona Lee
Jin Sook Lee
“Math Is Not Universal: The Importance of Language-Specific Curriculum in a Korean/English Two-Way Immersion Program”
Mathematics and Science in Bilingual Education Contexts
Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level Montreux, 1 & 2
Russell Rumberger, discussant
Toward Education Justice: Current Research on Alternative Paths to High School Equivalencies
Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, St. Gallen 3
George Marcoulides, discussant
Criteria and Bias in Measuring Latent Constructs and Classes
Marriott, Sixth Level, Purdue/Wisconsin
Michael Gottfried
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Hyatt, West Tower - Green Level, Crystal A
Russell Rumberger
AERA Books Editorial Board: Closed Meeting
Hyatt, West Tower - Bronze Level, Columbian
12:25 pm – 1:55 pm
Andrew Stull
Trevor Barrett
Mary Hegarty
“Concrete and Virtual Manipulative Models in Chemistry”
Connecting Virtual Tools and Physical Activities to Enhance Science Learning
Sheraton, Ballroom Level, Sheraton II
Judith Green
Language and Social Processes SIG Mentoring Workshop and Roundtable Conversation: Creating Dialogue Across “Generations" of Scholars
Marriott, Fifth Level, Kansas City
Diana Arya
with Alison Boardman, Pamela Buckley, Brooke Moore (all University of Colorado – Boulder)
“Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Measure of Fidelity of Implementation of Collaborative Strategic Reading”
Methodological Approaches to Examining Behavior and Student Outcomes
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside West
Rebeca Mireles-Rios
“Latina/o Teens’ College Aspirations, Expectations, and Related Outcomes: The Role of Parental and Teacher Support”
Social Justice: Hispanics in Higher Education
Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Montreux 1 & 2
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Victoria Harvey
Jason Duque
Eva Oxelson
Jennifer Scalzo
“Wait. What Is Going on Here? The Disruptive Potential of Preservice Teachers’ Close Attention to Dense Records of Educational Practice”
Preservice Teacher Reflection on Praxis and Growth
Hyatt, East Tower – Purple Level, Riverside East
Michael Gottfried
“Is There a Role for Applied Math Instruction in Kindergarten?”
Kindergarten in Transition: Purpose, Entry Age, Curriculum, and Student Outcomes
Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, St. Gallen 2
Richard E. Mayer
American Educational Research Journal (Teaching, Learning, and Human Development) Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Hyatt, West Tower - Green Level, Crystal A
4:05 pm – 5:35 pm
Lorraine McDonnell
AERA Journal Publications Committee: Closed Meeting
Hyatt, West Tower - Bronze Level, Water Tower
6:15 pm – 7:45 pm
Micaela Morgan
“Improving STEM Engagement of Students in the 2-Year to 4-Year Higher Education Pipeline”
Division D In-Progress Research Gala
Sheraton, Fourth Level, Chicago VI & VII
Monday, April 20
8:15 am – 9:45 am
Russell Rumberger, chair
Jay Plasman
Russell Rumberger
“21st Century Skills in Context: The Sacramento and Santa Barbara School System”
Developing 21st Century Skills for All Students: Results from an International Study of City Youth
Hyatt, West Tower – Gold Level, Atlanta
Jay Plasman
Michael Gottfried
“Can Applied STEM Coursework Reduce the Risk of High School Dropout?”
High School Dropout: Issues and Policies
Hyatt, East Tower – Gold Level, Crystal BC
Mari Estrada-Gonzalez, chair
Assessment and Young Dual Language Learners in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten: Issues to Consider
Hyatt, East Tower - Gold Level, Grand B
Brianne Davila
with Roseanne Macias (California State University – Dominguez Hills)
“Community Cultural Wealth and Latina/o College Choice: The Role of a College Access Program”
Higher Education Access and Choice for Latino Students: Critical Findings and Theoretical Perspectives
Swissotel, Event Centre First Level, Zurich E
Richard Durán, chair
The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy, and the U.S. Labor Market
Swissotel, Event Centre Second Level, Montreux 3
10:35 am – 12:05 pm
Myley Dang
Mary E. Brenner
Karen Nylund-Gibson
“Relating English Language Learners’ Mathematics Attitudes to College STEM Degree: A Latent Class Analysis Approach”
Mathematic Students Attitudes and Beliefs
Hyatt, East Tower – Gold Level, Crystal BC
Diana Arya
“From Bumps to Parabolas: Elevating the Everyday in the Discourse of Learning”
The Interaction of Problem Solving and Learning Environments
Hyatt, East Tower – Gold Level, Crystal BC
2:15pm – 3:45pm
Dolores Casillas, chair
Mary Bucholtz
Jin Sook Lee
Dolores Casillas
“Accompaniment, Sociolinguistic Justice, and Youth Agency”
Elizabeth Anne Mainz
“From Isolation to Collaboration: The Connection between Language Beliefs and Teaching Philosophies”
Audrey Lopez
“Empathy and Affect in Latina/o Peer Discussions of Language Brokering”
Maria Aragon
“Bringing Academic Concepts to Life: Latina/o Students’ Experiences within and between ‘Communities of Practice’”
Meghan Morales
“’It’s Just Funny’: Laughing about Race and Racism in a Cross-Racial Classroom”
Beyond Empowerment: Accompaniment and Sociolinguistic Justice Through Youth Research
Marriott, Sixth Level, Purdue/Wisconsin
Katherine Nilsen
Anissa Stewart
“Developmental Evaluation of an International Student Program in the United States: Factors Influencing Satisfaction and Success”
Engaging with Students and Student Affairs Professionals
Swissotel, Event Centre First Level, Zurich C