All doctoral students are required to complete a minimum 1500-hour predoctoral internship. Doctoral students in the counseling and clinical substantive areas are expected to complete a full-time APA Accredited* Internship of one academic year or one calendar year in length (or half-time for two academic or calendar years). Doctoral students in the school substantive area are encouraged to complete a school-based APA-Accredited* internship of one academic year or one calendar year in length (or half-time for two academic or calendar years) or they may complete an internship at a non-APA Accredited* school site after consulting with their advisor and the Director of Training. Doctoral students in the school substantive area are required to develop an internship plan for a school-based site that is consistent with the guidelines established by the National Association of School Psychologists and the Council of Directors of School Psychology programs. Students must be advanced to candidacy and have a dissertation proposal APPROVED by October 15th of the academic year in which the student intends to apply for internships. All corrections to the proposal should be made by October 21st and the dissertation approval form must be filed with the Student Affairs Office by October 21st in order for students to apply for internship that current year. Students are strongly encouraged to have an approved dissertation proposal by June of the year they plan to apply for a predoctoral internship. In addition, students are strongly urged to complete their dissertation research before leaving for internship. Students should be prepared to travel outside the state for their internship experience.
Note. All program requirements and timelines must be adhered to regardless of internship setting.

Note. A nonaccredited internship could have implications for licensing.