Student-led Clinical Chat Hour

A group of students and faculty sit around a table, unpacking their brown bag lunches and listening to one of two Clinical Professional Development Coordinators, Bernard Njuguna, introduce what he calls, “The best thing that ever happened to us students here.” The event is the Clinical Chat Hour, a monthly series devoted to addressing professional development issues in clinical psychology for the clinical students and faculty of the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School.

This most recent session, held on February 25, was titled “Sitting on the uncomfortable side of the couch: The benefits of seeking personal therapy during clinical training.” The panel included CCSP faculty, a CCSP student who was currently in therapy, and guests from UCSB’s Counseling and Psychological Services, Drs. Turi Honegger and Janet Osimo. The other Clinical Professional Development Coordinator, Candice Claiborne, roots the talk in research on the topic in a quick background briefing. As things proceed, it’s a very convivial atmosphere filled with give-and-take and not too much straight lecturing. The event ends on time with handouts providing information for student insurance to help cover the cost for therapy, and with certificates of appreciation being given to the two visitors who presented.

Clinical Chat Hour provides an educative experience that goes beyond the fundamental knowledge taught in classrooms,” Claiborne says after the event. “Our objective is to help prepare doctoral students with the appropriate resources to be successful in professional psychology.”

The remaining schedule (all meetings are held in ED 4108 from 12 noon – 12:50 pm):

March 18, 2013
Workshop: “How to prepare your research for publication”

April 22, 2013
“Overcoming graduate school hurdles: How to minimize and manage stress provoked by
qualifying exams and the internship process”
May 27, 2013
“Those who can do ALSO teach: Learn about different models of being a professor”

The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association for the Ph.D. in the areas of counseling, clinical, and school psychology. In addition, the School Psychology specialization offers an M.Ed. and a pupil personnel services credential that is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the National Association of School Psychologists. The CCSP Department adheres to a scientist-practitioner training model. Primary emphasis is placed on develop­ing knowledge and skills that inform applied psychology research and practice. Graduates enter academic and other leadership roles in professional psychology.