Dr. Michael Gerber of the Department of Education at the Gevirtz School will deliver his Last Lecture, “Fifty Shades of Grey: Decision-Making in Classrooms,” on Wednesday, May 25 at 4 pm in Education Building 1213, UC Santa Barbara. The event is free and open to the public. Immediately following the lecture there will be a reception and celebration of Gerber’s career.
Michael Gerber is a Professor of Education, and contributing faculty in the Special Education, Disabilities, and Risk and the Policy, Leadership, and Research Methods research focus areas. From 2005-2009 he was the chair of the Department of Education. Gerber has been the director of the Center for Advanced Studies of Individual Differences in the Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research (ISBER). He is also a founding member of UCSB’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Emphasis in Cognitive Science. He has been president of the Division for Learning Disabilities in the Council for Exceptional Children. He is also the chair of the steering committee for a UC-wide Center for Research on Special Education, Disabilities, and Developmental Risk. In 2015 an anonymous donor gave a $2 million estate gift to the Gevirtz School to establish The Michael M. Gerber Chair in Instructional Innovation and Technology for Exceptional Children in honor of Dr. Gerber.