Orlando, FL
August 2-5, 2012


Thursday, August 2nd

Collie W. Conoley
Positive Psychology in Family Therapy
Symposium: Positive Psychology That Works---Evidence-Based Clinical Practices 
(Convention Center- Room W102B- Level I)

Jacqueline A. Brown, Shane Jimerson, Thomas D Oakland, Reza Sharoozi
International Perspectives: School Psychology Training and Practices Around the Globe
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)

Audrey R. Harkness, Tania Israel, Kevin Delucio, Todd Raymond Avellar, Jay N. Ledbetter
Evaluation of Police Training on LGBT Issues: Knowledge, Apprehension, Self-Efficacy, and Tactics
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)

Christine DiStefano, Randy W. Kamphaus, Bridget V. Dever, Erin Dowdy
Validating Screener Cutoff Scores for Identifying Students At-Risk for Emotional/Behavioral Problems
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)

Christine Schock, Laurel Brown, Maryam Kia-Keating
Father--Child Relationship and Gender As Predictors of Adolescent Psychopathology Outcomes
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)
Tania Israel, Alise Cogger, Kristin Conover, Audrey R. Harkness, Jay N. Ledbetter
Social Justice Training Through Student Engagement in Community-Based Research
(Convention Center- Room W102B- Level I)
Skye W. Stifel, Matthew Ruderman, Shane Jimerson
Bullying Attitudes Among Bullies, Victims, Defenders, and Outsiders
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)

Tania Israel
Section for the Advancement of Women---Woman of the Year Award: All I Need to Know About Being Woman of the Year I Learned From Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
(Convention Center- Room W304B- Level III)
A. Pati Cabrera, Melissa L. Morgan Consoli
Development of a Community Prevention Program for Disadvantaged Latino/as: A Qualitative Study
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)

Robert L. Koegel, Lynn Koegel
Address: Empirically Supported Intervention Strategies for Children With ASD and an Overview of Pivotal Response Treatment
(Convention Center- Room W110A- Level I)

Anna-Nina Lee, Collie Conoley, Elisa Vasquez
Self-Affirmation: A Positive Psychology Intervention Study
(Peabody Orlando Hotel- Peabody Grand Ballroom P- Convention Level)
Elisa Vasquez, Collie Conoley, Ana-Nina Lee
The Effects of Capitalization on the Celebrator: A Positive Psychology Intervention Study
(Peabody Orlando Hotel- Peabody Grand Ballroom P- Convention Level)
Kathryn Z. Spaventa-Vancil & Collie Conoley
Catching Children Being Virtuous: A Positive Psychology Family Study
(Peabody Orlando Hotel- Peabody Grand Ballroom P- Convention Level)


Friday, August 3rd

Randy W. Kamphaus,  Bridget V. Dever, Erin Dowdy, Christine DiStefano
Examining the Relationship Between Screening Scores and Future Risk: A Predictive Validity Study
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)

Morgan Consoli, Cabrera, Llamas, Noriega, Gonzalez, Lopez, Namkung, Delucio
Exploratory Study of Thriving in Latino/as
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)


Saturday, August 4th


Jane C. Conoley (Discussant)
Ecological School Psychology---Translating Theory and Research Into Evidence-Based Practice 
(Convention Center- Room W304G- Level III)

Christine H. Schock , Maryam Kia-Keating, Caryll Sprague, Jocelyn Levitan, Jessica Adams
Exploration of Barriers and Facilitators of Father Engagement in Preventive Interventions
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)

Matthew A. Ruderman, Shane Jimerson
Protective Factors Among Students Involved in Bullying
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)
Jasmin D. Llamas, Susana A. Lopez, Matt Quirk, Chelsea Latorre
What Makes AVID Work? Taking a Student Perspective to Examine Program Effectiveness
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)

Shane Jimerson
Globalization of School Psychology
Symposium: Division 16 Initiatives--- Social Justice and Child Rights, Translating Science to Practice, and Globalization 
(Convention Center- Room W309A- Level III)


Sunday, August 5th

Andres Consoli & Melissa Morgan Consoli
Learning Partners in the Americas: North, Central and South American Contributions  
(Convention Center- Room W108B- Level I)

Todd Raymond Avellar, Tania Israel, Jay Ledbetter, Audrey Harkness, Kevin Delucio LGBTQ Community Members’ Experiences With and Perceptions of Law Enforcement
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)
Ana L. Thomat, Merith A. Cosden, Jill D. Sharkey
Protective Factors for Substance Abuse Among Delinquent Adolescents
(Convention Center- West Hall A4-B3- Level II)