Caroline “Coco” Miller will be graduating with an M.A. in Education, focusing on Leadership. She hopes to immerse herself in the sports industry, and one day be a coach as well as work in the front office of a professional sports team.
GGSE: Tell us about your research projects. What are your research interests, and why are they important to you?
Miller: My research has been focused on how coaching sports can be correlated with teaching in the classroom. I have focused on leadership styles and which styles work best in the athletic coaching world. I have chosen to focus on this because I am a student-athlete here at UCSB. I have been on the UCSB Women’s Basketball team for the past 5 years and over the course of my career created great relationships with my coaches and they have inspired me to one day be a coach.
GGSE: If you could give us one piece of information that you wished every person knew and remembered about your research, what would it be?
Miller: As an athlete, I have realized the impact that coaches have on their players. The player-coach relationship is crucial for an athlete’s success and well-being. Now more than ever, athletes have been discussing the topic of mental health, and I think coaches play a significant role in that. If more coaches are educated about leadership, it will benefit not only the team’s success, but the players happiness as well.
GGSE: What’s next? What do you hope to do after earning your M.A.?
Miller: I hope to become a coach someday. The sports industry is very male dominant and I hope to immerse myself into the industry and make an impact on the future generation. Additionally, I would like to work in the front offices of a professional sports team and having a Master’s in Education, focusing on Leadership, has prepared me for any career that I choose.
GGSE: What piece of advice would you pass on to future students in the Gevirtz School?
Miller: My advice to any future students in the Gevirtz School would be to create relationships with people in the department. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, the people in the Gevirtz School are so welcoming and they are there for you in every facet, whether it’s school or life! The relationships you create with the faculty, administration or fellow students, will support your success and last a lifetime.
GGSE: Is there anyone in the Gevirtz School that you would like to thank?
Miller: I would like to thank my advisors, Dr. Sharon Conley and Dr. Sue Johnson. Through emails, text messages and Zoom calls, they have supported and guided me throughout my journey as a graduate student. Most importantly, they were able to tailor my learning to my specific interests. I was able to take my interests of coaching and sports and use it to engage in the curriculum of the Gevirtz School. I would also like to give a shout out to Dr. Rebeca Mireles-Rios! Thank you for your support and love throughout my time in the Gevirtz School!
GGSE: What is one of your favorite memories of your graduate school experience?
Miller: At the end of the year student-athletes have an award called the Golden Eagle Award. It is awarded to the person with the highest GPA on the team, as well as the male and female with the highest GPA in the entire athletic department. This year I had the honor of receiving this award and it would not have been possible without the support of my professors and advisors. This was definitely a great way to end my time at UCSB and I am thankful to the Gevirtz School for everything they have done for me.
GGSE: In lieu of an in-person ceremony, how will you be celebrating your graduation?
Miller: I will be celebrating graduation at home with my family and a few friends. As a student-athlete, I have not been able to spend lot of time at home over the course of my UCSB career, so despite the circumstances, it has been a blessing in disguise to spend time at home.